Thursday, 30 July 2009

This is the first official post!

After three days of not checking my email. ( Because I went to Milan for vacation.) I am surprised to find out that one of my photos on webshot was featured on the home and garden channel. Which lead to this new blog! Okay it does not look new anymore, after having copied and paste all the older bake entries from my other Blog. But if you look at the dates of all these older post its all posted today 30.7.2009 (today) and clearly some of the entry content does not tally with the date.

Anyways, I have decided to set up this blog purely for food and the enjoyment of life. Not to say that I am an expert in leading a life of luxury ( clearly not right now, since I recently graduated and is in the process of job hunting aka UNEMPLOYED and have plenty of free time to explore and ponder about life.) or that I am good an expert at enjoying life but in general I am a person who tries to look on the bright side of life and remain POSITIVE. My Motto in life: Remain high all the time, High not with the help of alcohol but high as in the opposite of depressed. ( I am not a motivational speaker, even if I sound like one right now.)

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