Yesterday's Dinner was this piece of meat. Beef tenderloin. ( Quality stuff and damn expensive too. 500g for $40!)

This is the potato side which was damn good! Salt, thyme and olive oil baked in the oven. I could eat a bowl of this.

Below is the green man and his preparation table. I think to say that a person 'can cook' is when he/she is able to cook without the help of any recipe. Hence Huat can cook.
Below is the green man and his preparation table. I think to say that a person 'can cook' is when he/she is able to cook without the help of any recipe. Hence Huat can cook.
And the final product! Taste SUPER!
Earlier in the afternoon I bake some donut looking apple cake. I wanted to bake something with apples and found this recipe. I did not know that the pan was meant to bake donuts till I filled the mixture into the pan. And the recipe said to bake with red apples but I did not have any and wanted to get rid of the green apples before it becomes bad.
See the oversized donuts. Clearly I did not expect the mixture to make 24 donuts and attempted to fill the mixture for the first batch of apple donut cake to the brim.

Fresh out of the oven.
Fresh out of the oven.
Taste much better when its cooled and taste pretty good even without the cinnamon on top.
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