Thursday, 30 July 2009


Food is important and coming from singapore I tend to take food for granted. I live to eat. Its not to say that I am great at the fine art of culinary. I eat everything, well most stuff and I like to try stuff. Wish my tummy could be a bottomless pit. I like baking, not really because I like to eat cake or muffins, (Savory dishes goes much better with my tummy and chocolate of course) but because I like how people enjoy what I make. Its because I have been useless for the past few months, having people appreciate what i bake makes me feel slightly better.

Since today is a sunday and ah huat's mum and dad is painting the living room I decided to bake carrot cake for the second time ( after my first failed attempt due to some misunderstanding with my oven) for tea. Using this carrot cake recipe. I made some changes to the proportion and would actually suggest much less sugar for the cake. ( I personally am not a big fan of things that are too sweet.) 

This are carrots. Looking all fresh and orange. If only carrots could look this earthy back home.

Glowing carrots.                              Fresh out of the oven.

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All dolled up carrot cake.


Ready to be eaten


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