Sunday, 30 May 2010

Dinner @ Ju Bao HK Cuisine

I have decided to take my camera out for a breather today and this is another entry about dinner. Today we went Ju Bao Hong Kong Cuisine.


Which is along,


The setting: An old school type of Zi Char/ Restaurant ( Restaurant because of the air conditioning). Its one of those places where big families go there on special occasions for dinner. The furniture are a mixture of the old kopitiam sort of seats and modern chairs.



The people: Mother, Father, Me!

Well I'm not in any picture :) 

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On the handwritten menu, the heading says Mother's Day meal. Reduce, reuse, recycle!

The Food: Hong Kong Style food. 
Coming from Singapore where its a food paradise, its really difficult to decide whats really good. With four different races, four different types of cuisine, Chinese cuisine alone has ten thousand and one style of cooking, we are simply spoilt for choice here! 

But there is something about Hong Kong style cooking that really fits our taste buds. Or perhaps its just the Tan family, we like canto style of cooking. The garlic fried vege, steam fish ( typical of canto food is the awesome way that fish is prepared! Light soy sauce with spring onions.) and some other sides. 

Kai Lan fried with garlic, 

Ju Bao special tofu with some sort of Thai sweet spicy sauce,


Melt in your mouth, thinly sliced red wine beef fried with onion,



Fresh abalone, not something we eat everyday because its suppose to be a delicacy.  


Cooked abalone, 


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Its actually pretty small and honestly abalone might be really expansive but they are pretty tasteless and chewy. Don't really know whats the big deal about it,


Ah..the steam fish, 


Unfortunately I would only rate the fish 75% because its a little over cooked. The fish was slightly harder than its suppose to be. 

On the whole, it was a satisfying meal! Look at Father Tan's face :) Apart from the fish, everything was pretty good! We will definitely go there again and have a good meal.


After dinner, its dessert time. Since healthy lifestyle is important. We had fruits! 

The queen of fruits. Mangosteen! 

That is clearly not what we had. Come to think of it I don't exactly remember how it taste like, because the last time I had it, it was many years ago. 

Well who really cares about the queen when the KING of all fruits is there! 


The fruit that has a STRONG smell, creamy and rich texture. ( I would not call it smelly okay! )

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The fruit is so special they even have their own bins! 

Buying it is also a form of art. Bargaining!

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