Sunday, 25 October 2009

Chocolate cheese cake brownie.

Ah huat's mum gave me a cook book when they were in town last week. Now that I have some time on hand to bum around, I decided to open the book and check it out. I sure do miss baking and really wanted to bake something savory for a change this time. Wanted to bake something with puff pastry. But again, wanting to do something and actually getting my butt out to get the ingredients is another thing. So I decided to bake something thats on my to bake list, since...donkey years. And since I have the ingredients anyways, I decided to give it a go!

So today I baked Chocolate cheese cake brownie. The first time I came across this recipe was actually from Tastespotting. Unfortunately the recipe was in spanish or something. So I was too lazy to check out for translation and stuff and kinda forgot about it, until I was gonna have a potluck with my hall mates one fine day. ( Which did not work out, because I had to stay for a meeting till 9.30pm of all days!) That would be the perfect dessert to bake! That did not happen of course. Hence today was a perfect day to try it out.

I kinda combined two recipes into one. The first one is from an awesome One Bowl Brownie and the second is from a Chunky Cheesecake Brownie recipe. Okay does not make sense that I used two recipe when the latter is the recipe of the Brownie I am gonna bake. My only reason is that I wanted to bake with the best brownie recipe I could find. Hence the added step, only to realise that I had some missing ingredients, because sister Tan stole some of my chocolate! Hence I used cocoa powder as a substitute for the missing chocolate, which I believe is also a healthier alternative.

28g of chocolate in baking could be substituted with 3tbsp unsweeten cocoa powder and 1 tsbp of butter
28g of premelted baking chocolate could be substituted with 3 tbsp of unsweeten cocoa powder and 1 tbsp of vegetable oil.
I modified the recipe such that it makes 12 cupcakes.

Cheesecake portion
112g Cream cheese
1/4 C White Sugar
1 Egg

Brownie portion
50g Chocolate ( I used 70% dark chocolate)
3 Tbs Unsweeten Cocoa ( To substitute the remaining shortage of Chocolate)
 ( The recipe asked for 75g chocolate)
110g Butter
1/2 C White Sugar
2 Eggs
2/3 C Flour
1 Tsp Vanilla

1) Preheat oven to 175 degree C.

2) Combine cream cheese with 1/4 cup sugar and 1 egg in a mixing bowl; beat until smooth.

3) In a double boil, melt butter and chocolate, together with the cocoa powder.

4) Stir until chocolate is melted. Stir in sugar. Mix in eggs and vanilla. Stir in flour.

5) Pour half of the batter into the muffin tin. Spread the cream cheese mixture over the chocolate layer.

Top with remaining Chocolate mixture


Using a knife/ toothpick, swirl the top chocolate layer into the cream cheese to make a marble pattern.

6) Bake in preheated oven at 175 degree C for 25-30 minutes, or until top is crinkled and edges pull away from sides of the pan. Cool throughly. Store in the refrigerator or freeze.

Cheesecake does not like brownie.

( Please pardon the terrible lightening!)


  1. I love how you did this in a cupcake pan. I have made these before but used a brownie pan and they get messy. Thanks for the great idea (and recipe!)

  2. This must be very delicious! Can I have some? :p

  3. mmmmm those look sinfully good!



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