Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Ferrero Rocher Cupcake with chocolate Ganache.

Today we celebrated Marcus's belated birthday and I decided to share some of my baking love with my 'german' friends. It was nice to sit around and bitch about things in general.
I had in mind what I wanted to bake. But wanted to make it a little more fancy. Since there is a box of Ferrero Rocher lying around, I decided to use a simple vanilla cupcake. Which I got from the Martha steward's Billy's Vanilla cupcake recipe. Before putting the cupcakes into the oven, I place a Ferrero Rocher into each cupcake mixture. Much to my surprise the Chocolate did not melt in the heat and the form remained even after the heat!
I also found a really neat recipe for chocolate ganache and tried it out too.
Looks like a donut top down.
Piped the Chocolate Ganache round the chocolate.
Really easy to make!

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks really delicious and again I can't try it



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